
Hello Everyone

Firstly, I would like to wish all of the Moms out there a wonderful Mother’s Day.  You do one of the most important job there is and deserve to be spoiled with lots of love for it. Children and partners: see the DIY Kiki post for ideas on how to spoil the special women in your life.

20160508_180852Today’s blog has a Mother’s Day focus to it.  I lost my Mom to cancer in November 1999, after finding out she was sick in July.  It became her mission to fit as much parenting as she could in her time left. I am so thankful that I was old enough to remember many of the conversations that we had.

At twelve years old, I was overweight and this concerned my mother. She told me her wish for me was that I did not grow up to experience the physical and social challenges of being overweight. This conversation came from a very loving place.

After she passed, I ate a lot and got even bigger than I was.  I grew to be the largest I had ever been at 235lbs.  A few years later, I lost 60 lbs. with the help from my father and some inspiration from my mom’s words, I was able to maintain this weight loss for years.20160508_180831

As my age increased, my metabolism changed but I still held my habit of stress eating. I also fell in love in 2011 and we were soon engaged. Doesn’t love make the heart grow (and everything else for that matter). I was able to lose some weight for the wedding by restricting calories. This made me miserable. After our wedding, we decided to move.  We were in a new city setting up our home and I was looking for a job. Stress eating and fast food returned to my life. Thus, the scale began to rise.  In September 2015, I stood on the scale and it told me 214lbs.  This was the closest I had been to that 235 number in a long time.

I can happily say that today the scale says 195lbs. wp-1462752987057.jpg It is the slowest that I have ever lost weight, but I feel like I am doing it in the healthiest way, without compromising my happiness.  Today the two guys and our friends went for an hour and a half hike that I dedicate to my mom. I am thankful for how my mother approached my weight struggles and how I am able to think of her when reviewing my sparkplugs (the whys that support our tries).

Families are a “WE” unit, and we here at our headquarters trust in the powers of “WE”  Twoguysagirlandahealthylifestyle wish all mothers and their loved ones a beautiful day filled with wellness.


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