Post Party Pondering and Reflection

Hi there!

This weekend I celebrated my 29th Birthday!  It was everything that a Birthday should be.  There were friends, fun and lots of tasty snacks.


Now just between us friends, I am going to let you know that the food was nutritious. There is health food and there is soul food.  We had a mix of both.   We did have a veggie tray, fruit tray, olives, and pickles.  But on the other side of the table…there were candies, chips, and other junk foods.  We also got a variety of pop and juice for people to mix drinks.

Now our household certainly knows how to throw a party!  If you attend, your plate and cup will never go without!  However, this is the first party that we have hosted since committing to our Healthy Lifestyle and there are somethings that we have learned for next time.  It would be easy to say,

“Serve no junk food”

But we all know that’s almost impossible in a party scenario.  Below is a list of the tips for a Healthy Lifestyle Party.

  • Have lots of Healthy Snacks
  • Always have lots of Water and Healthy Juices available
  • Have 2 food locations, one for healthy options and one for junk food. Then when you go for your veggies and fruit, you won’t tempted by the chips on the table.
  • If you are getting a cake, get a small cake….big cakes mean big slices. Big slices mean Big work outs!
  • Aim to have no left overs. Party left-overs are the ultimate enemy to one’s Healthy Lifestyle goals.  It fills your counters with temptations…and if you are like me, it is hard to throw out food that you spent money on.
  • Dance! Remember dancing will burn some of those calories that you splurged on

And finally…. Have Fun!  I don’t regret any choices I made this weekend!  I had a blast!  I will try my best to follow my own advice at our next party.  But if you slip up…it’s okay because you can just get your dance on the next day!people-dancing
Happy Party Planning from this newly 29 year old!


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